Back On Job


Back On Job

Finding a job in current competitive market is not necessarily easy for everyone. Therefore, IT Eksperts have launched Back On Job project to help people to access and remain in the labour market. Our digital networking platforms can often lead to opportunities that aren't publically advertised.


Qualified Trainers

All our IT consultants come with proper qualifications and years of relevant experience.


Flexible Jobs

We go through your job profile carefully to explore more suitable and flexible jobs.

Helping the jobless people in securing a job does not always guarantee that those jobs would be relevant to individuals’ education, skills and aspirations. Therefore, such jobs may lead to dissatisfaction or lower productivity for an organization. That is where our "Back On Job" project helps to improve your education and skills, stimulating economic growth, and supporting small businesses to create more sustainable jobs. We offer a complete set of consultancy services for:

Full Time Jobs
Part Time Jobs
Freelance Work
Work From Home

We are planning to offer a sixteen-week digital training program in association with the local Goverment office. After completing this professional training program, the partcipants can work for IT Eksperts on multiple job working patterns. This could be a freelance placement, a part-time job, or working from home position depending on individual's own circumstances.